kalumi Beauty You can Eat

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Wouldn’t it be awesome to eat something delicious that is beautifying from the inside out at the same time? That is exactly how Kalumi Beauty Bars Works! These bars are simple yet decadent. They make your skin beautiful!

The star of the show is our wild-caught marine collagen, which is ethically sourced. As we age, our natural collagen levels begin to decrease by around 1% per year. This decrease starts in your 20’s, which means anti-aging and beauty routines become increasingly important once we reach age 20. While it’s important to have a good skincare routine, what really matters is your internal health.

What is Marine Collagen and How Does it

Help Your Skin?

What is Marine Collagen?

Marine collagen is a pure form of hypoallergenic protein produced from the skins of fish. Fish skins remaining from food production are thoroughly washed, then hydrolyzed by an acid and a food grade enzyme to yield marine collagen peptides, which have a low molecular weight for easy digestion and absorption.” -vitalnutrients

How Does Marine Collagen Help Your Skin?

Preclinical studies show that ingesting marine collagen repairs skin collagen and elastin protein fibers and produces a significant thickening of the outer skin surface (epidermis). Human studies have reported decreased wrinkles and improved skin hydration and firmness following marine collagen supplementation.” -bendbeauty.com

Kalumi Flavors:

Lemon | Cocoa | Cinnamon

Kalumi Makes it Easy to purchase but unclear on Price Until you Decide Your Flavors

We make it easy to stay glowing and stocked up on your skin’s new best friend with our subscription service. This is what all the KIB’s are doing so that they don’t have to go a day without their collagen dose and a delicious, guilt-free treat. Subscribing makes it so you never run out of your favorite flavor, and always have a bar on hand for those busy days on-the-go. You never have to worry about not having a clean, satiating snack ready to eat. Eating one of our bars everyday or as often as you can will give you a better chance at achieving results, like glowing skin. Plus, subscribers get so much more than just our bars. Not only do you get a box of bars every month (or more than one, if you’re obsessed), you also get amazing perks that only KIB’s have access to. From being an insider, to gifts and more, your subscription will give you the ultimate Kalumi babe status. Life is stressful and eating clean can sometimes be difficult- we make it easy. With three delicious flavors all packed with beauty-boosting marine collagen, the only thing you’ll have to worry about each month is deciding which flavor to stick with.

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